Inas Aljanabi
Vehicle diagnostics for all cars
Vehicle diagnostics for all cars
All parts may show signs of wear!
At the latest when the corresponding indicator light flashes in the cockpit, it is time to have the error memory read out.
We are your perfect contact for this, we are a master workshop and can show you all errors immediately and, if necessary or desired, we will also be happy to correct errors, inexpensively and professionally.
Using electrical voltage and sensors, a vehicle diagnostic system - usually on-board diagnosis (OBD) in newer vehicles - continuously measures technical data about your car.
These and, above all, malfunctions or damage are saved and, if necessary, reported via the cockpit.
This makes it easier for us to carry out a targeted inspection and repair of your car, thereby saving you time and money.
BMW car parts & workshop
Master workshop
Siegfriedstrasse 66
Tel.: 030-39871970
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m